

P.S. Can you tell I got a new, much faster computer (three posts in a week? yesssss)? I am LOVING life right now. Here I've been wondering how on earth photographers take on so many sessions and don't spend every waking (and supposed-to-be-sleeping) minute editing. It's called NEW COMPUTERS. My editing time is easily now a third of what it was. On my old computer, I'd hit an action and then read a book for a few minutes. Now the longest I wait on my computer is 8 seconds! Seriously, our old computer tanking for a week was a huge blessing in disguise (even if it stretched our budget). I'm a happy lady.

Oh, and it's nothing fancy, in case you're wondering. Someday I'll venture in the world of expensive Macs, but for now it's a Lenovo we can afford.


Adri said...

Awesome! I'm jealous! Paul's little brother is in Iraq and is giving us his old one and I'm REALLY hoping it's faster than the one I've got. I totally hear ya about hitting an action and taking a break for a minute. haha.

Jenny said...

Yeah -- How exciting to get a new computer. Great pictures Dani

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